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You most likely know people who have lived with a respiratory condition for some time, unaware that there was anything your massage could do to help ease their symptoms or discomfort.

The American Lung Association states that more than 34 million Americans struggle with such chronic lung conditions as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchitis. Research by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation estimates that approximately 40,000 Americans battle cystic fibrosis annually. Symptoms range from tension through the chest and ribs and unproductive coughing to general malaise and fatigue.

Many are unaware that their poor posture has led to a dysfunctional breathing pattern. This results in shallow breathing, headaches, anxiety, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and decreased cervical or thoracic range of motion. Poor function in our respiratory system can be just as troubling as poor posture or weak musculature.

Cupping for respiratory health can help clients breathe better.

Chronic inflammation radically alters the integral function of our lungs. Most commonly, it will decrease airflow, structurally change the airway, create scar tissue, and disrupt the delicate balance of the lungs’ immunological homeostasis, leading to a weakened immune system.

Inflammation can be found in the surrounding muscle tissue from continuous coughing, wheezing or shallow breathing. It can restrict the movement of blood, lymph, oxygen and other vital nutrients.

Throughout time, cups have been used for many purposes, including to help remove venom, balance the four humors, and aid physical and mental pain. Acupuncturists and physicians in other cultures have used cups for generations to quell coughs and colds. Today, Westerners are more familiar with cups for their ability to increase range of motion and reduce muscle pain. Recent research has indicated, further, the benefits of cupping for respiratory health

Increasing space is the best place to start when working to increase respiratory function. The negative pressure of cupping is perfect for this. The body naturally responds to the lifting of the muscle from the cup’s vacuum by stimulating the reflexive mechanoreceptors to assist in reducing muscle tension. Thus, restricted accessory muscles in the rib cage will have more freedom in their movement to expand during inspiration.

This lifting and decompressing of tissues will also help release stuck and adhered fascia. This will be valuable for any client with a respiratory condition or kyphotic or forward-head posture.

Long COVID can induce hypertension; therefore, even if someone is a long-time client, ask them if they are taking any new medications.

Women have an increased risk of developing postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which can dramatically drop blood pressure, resulting in dizziness and fainting upon standing. Remind the client to take their time when moving after their session. If need be, allow more time at the end of the session.

Your general therapeutic cupping considerations will always apply: if your clients have a clotting disorder: deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or thromboembolism, cupping is contraindicated.

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Facial Medicupping vacuum therapy is a specific application of cupping therapy that focuses on the face. This technique involves using small cups to create suction on the skin of the face, which can have various potential benefits for skin health and appearance. Here are some key points about facial cupping:

**1. Benefits: Facial cupping is often claimed to have several potential benefits, including:

  • Increased blood circulation: The suction created by the cups can promote blood flow to the facial area, potentially improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

  • Lymphatic drainage: Cupping may help encourage the drainage of lymphatic fluid, reducing puffiness and swelling.

  • Muscle relaxation: Cupping may help release tension in facial muscles, potentially leading to a more relaxed and youthful appearance.

  • Skin rejuvenation: Some proponents believe that facial cupping can stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

**2. **Procedure: During a facial cupping session, small cups are placed on specific areas of the face after applying a lubricating oil or serum. The cups are then gently moved across the skin using various techniques, creating a vacuum effect. This suction can be adjusted based on the client's comfort level and the practitioner's expertise.

**3. **Safety and Professionalism: Facial cupping should be performed by a trained and qualified practitioner. Improper technique or excessive suction can lead to bruising, skin irritation, or other negative outcomes. It's important to choose a licensed and experienced practitioner who understands the appropriate pressure and methods for facial cupping.

**4. **Results and Considerations: Individual experiences with facial cupping can vary. Some people may find it to be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, while others might not notice significant changes. Results, if any, may become more apparent with multiple sessions over time.

**5. **Precautions: If you have certain skin conditions, such as broken capillaries, active acne, sunburn, or very sensitive skin, facial cupping might not be suitable for you. Always consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before trying any new skincare or wellness technique, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

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It’s always a great time to treat yourself to a relaxing massage and unwind. Whether you're dealing with stress, muscle tension, or just want to pamper yourself, a massage can provide a wonderful sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Here are a few steps to consider for your massage and relaxation time:

  1. Choose a Type of Massage: There are various types of massages available, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, cupping therapy, and more. Each type offers unique benefits, so choose one that suits your preferences and needs.

  2. Book an Appointment: Schedule your massage appointment for a date and time that works best for you. Make sure to communicate any specific preferences or areas you'd like the therapist to focus on.

  3. Prepare for Your Massage: On the day of your massage, wear comfortable clothing and arrive a bit early to ensure you have time to fill out any necessary forms and relax before the session begins.

  4. Communicate with Your Therapist: Before the massage, communicate with your therapist about any specific areas of tension or discomfort you're experiencing. They can tailor the massage to address your needs.

  5. Relax and Enjoy: During the massage, focus on deep breathing and allowing yourself to fully relax. Let go of any stress or worries and simply enjoy the experience.

  6. Hydrate: After your massage, make sure to drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins that may have been released during the massage.

  7. Rest: Give yourself some time to rest after the massage. You might want to avoid strenuous activities for the rest of the day to allow your body to fully benefit from the relaxation.

Remember, the goal of a massage is to provide both physical and mental relaxation, unless you have booked another type of treatment. It's a great way to take care of yourself and promote overall well-being.

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